7 Ways To Give Subscriber Value In Your Marketing Emails (So People Love Receiving Them)

7 Ways To Give Subscriber Value In Your Marketing Emails (So People Love Receiving Them)

Marketing emails can actually contain value that your subscribers enjoy. What what kinds of things do we mean by ‘value’? These seven different ‘types’ we use are a great source of inspiration when you’re sitting down to write a new email to your subscribers. Like most of the world, you’re probably bombarded with emails every […]

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Launch An Online Course the Non-Traditional Way with Chris Orzechowski

Launch An Online Course the Non-Traditional Way with Chris Orzechowski

There is SO much work that goes into a new product launch it can be a right bloody nightmare! There’s all the promo videos, the sales pages, the social media content…..it’s just never ending.  BUT, what if there was a way to bypass ALL of that stuff and still successfully sell your new product? In […]

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How To Build Your List by Speaking At Events Online and Offline

How To Build Your List by Speaking At Events Online and Offline

Events can be an amazing way of building your email list, but are you taking full advantage of them? If you’re taking part in any sort of event from a virtual summit to someone else’s Facebook Live, to speaking on stage, you should be using these as opportunities to build your own audience. But how can […]

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Email AMP and the future of email marketing with Aweber CEO Tom Kulzer

Email AMP and the future of email marketing with Aweber CEO Tom Kulzer

The future of email marketing is here ladies and gentlemen, and it’s called email AMP. And we wanted to get someone very special on the show to tell you all about it. Aweber were one of the very first email marketing automation platforms in the world, and they send billions of emails every single month.  Today, […]

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How To Get People To Buy Your Product Now - 2 Ways To Create Urgency

How To Get People To Buy Your Product Now – 2 Ways To Create Urgency

Would you like to get more people to buy your product without coming across like a pushy, slimy used car salesman? We’ve all had those types of emails… “If you don’t buy my course now, your nan will die” or “Buy this cream right now or you will be hideous forever” OK, maybe they’re not that extreme […]

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Podcast Email List Building with Matt Wolfe

Podcast Email List Building with Matt Wolfe from Hustle and Flowchart [Podcast]

It’s simple. Start a podcast, build thousands of new email subscribers and make a fortune, all in time for dinner….right? Is podcast email list building that easy? Well… like us, if you’ve started a podcast you’ve probably realised by now that’s it’s not always that quick and simple. However, there is a way in which you […]

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3 Commandments Of Email Marketing

3 Commandments Of Email Marketing

Because there’s nothing more self-aggrandising than calling them Commandments… Over the years, we’ve found LOTS of things that you should (or shouldn’t) do that can make a significant difference to how your email marketing performs.  Today we thought we’d share three of them with you. Want to know what they are?  Lucky for you, it’s what this […]

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Run Your Own Online Summit - Profit and List Growth with LeeAnn Marie Webster

Run Your Own Online Summit – Profit and List Growth with LeeAnn Marie Webster

You may know what an online summit is (you may have even been on one) but how do you really monetise them and gain hundreds of new subscribers to your email marketing list?  Online summit extraordinaire LeeAnn Marie Webster joins us to give her best, super top-secret (OK…maybe not that top secret) strategies to get the absolute best […]

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The E Newsletter Template You Need (To Save You Embarrassing Yourself)

The E Newsletter Template You Need (To Save You Embarrassing Yourself)

Do you have a default e newsletter template? Most of us do, but is yours designed to prevent you from embarrassing yourself? Have you ever realised you’ve made a HUGE mistake in your email after you’ve pressed ‘send’ to your entire audience? This is why you need an e newsletter template. Most of us have received an […]

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The One Page Digital Marketing Funnel - Simplify To Monetise with Michael Greenberg

The One Page Digital Marketing Funnel – Simplify To Monetise with Michael Greenberg

Can you imagine the beauty of a one page digital marketing funnel? We entrepreneurs just LOVE to overcomplicate everything, don’t we? Especially when it comes to our funnels. Think about it, imagine you’re wanting to start a new online business. You’ve got the new landing page, up-sell pages, blog, social media channels and tonnes of […]

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How To Increase Your Prices By Boosting Your Status

How To Increase Your Prices By Boosting Your Status

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to charge thousands for their products and others are charging much less? Are you stuck wondering how to increase your prices? It all comes down to one thing really, and that is status. The better your perceived status is in your marketplace, the less resistance you’ll […]

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How To Clean Your Email List – List Hygiene With Steve Wagner

How To Clean Your Email List – List Hygiene With Steve Wagner

How clean is your email list? No, we’re not talking about how often your clean your laptop screen! We mean, do you know how many people on your email list are potential threats to your email reputation? And do you know how to identify them? This episode we’re chatting to Steve Wagner of Webbula to […]

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Bottomless Email Content To Promote Your Courses And Programs

Bottomless Email Content To Promote Your Courses And Programs

Wouldn’t it be nice to never ever run out of new ways to promote your courses and programs? Do you find it hard to come up with emailing your list more often without being repetitive and boring? We’re sharing some awesome strategies you can use to promote your memberships and courses almost every day with […]

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how to sell

How To Sell To The Right People At The Right Time – With Steve Rosenbaum

Ever wondered how to sell to your new subscribers? You’ve spent money and worked hard to acquire that person into your business, now it’s time to offer them anything and everything you have that might be relevant to them. But how do you find out what they want and need? Do you risk losing them […]

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The Best Way To Sell To Your Subscribers When They Join Your List

The Best Way To Sell To Your Subscribers When They Join Your List

Should you try to sell to your subscribers as soon as they join your list? When someone opts in for your freebie and joins your list, should you try to sell them something right away or is there a better route to take in order to get that first sale? We’re sharing some strategies you […]

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