Facebook Groups Marketing, Content That Make Sales With Christina Jandali

Facebook Groups Marketing – Content That Make Sales with Christina Jandali

Christina Jandali is a confidence-boosting, cash-creating Business Growth Strategist who helps coaches and course creators build a raving fan base and producing scalable profits through Facebook groups marketing.

And today she shares her best tips on using a Facebook group to build your email list, so you can turn leads into buyers and make more sales in your business. We were scribbling down notes like mad, and you'll want to do that too – guaranteed!

(2:27) Did Christina end up staying in the Caribbean for a month?
(4:42) Do Facebook groups and email marketing work together?
(5:50) What comes first - your Facebook group or your email list?
(7:10) How do you sell in a Facebook group?
(8:55) How do you generate 'purposeful engagement' in your Facebook group?
(12:33) How long does it take to plan and create content for your Facebook group?
(14:05) The type of content you can share in your Facebook group between launches. 
(16:11) What selling techniques work inside Facebook groups?
(18:04) How do you sell evergreen products like memberships? 
(22:17) Subject line of the week with Christina Jandali.

The Top 10 Books To 'Power Up' Your Email Marketing

10 book recommendations that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we stumbled upon which have been game-changing for us).

Do Facebook groups and email marketing work together?

According to Christina, absolutely YES!

As we all know, while we can leverage social media, we don't own those platforms. But email marketing is different. It's an asset we own, which is why it's important to market people in more than one location and use your Facebook group in conjunction with your email marketing.

Facebook groups are awesome for creating deeper connections with your audience, so how do we use them as a tool for business growth?

What comes first – your Facebook group or your email list? 

Should we populate our Facebook groups at the back of our email lists or start a Facebook group first to grow our email list? Chicken and egg situation, right?

Well, they both work together, Christina says. And it all depends on where your primary source of traffic is. If you're using paid advertising, then you definitely want people to join your email list first. But if your traffic comes from somewhere else – like your podcast, for example – it's much easier for your audience to join your Facebook group. Because it doesn't take much effort for people at all.

Plus, the more people join your Facebook group, the more Facebook introduces your group to more people, which can help you grow that audience even further. And once they're in there, you have plenty of opportunities to turn followers into email subscribers.

But you always need to think about the two working together as two different entry points into your business. Your Facebook group should grow your email list, and your email list should grow your Facebook group.

You can also create FOMO by telling people in your Facebook group what's happening in your email list and vice versa. It creates curiosity, so if you do this in your email list, you can get your subscribers to join your Facebook group. Generate FOMO in your Facebook group about your email list, and you'll get more people to subscribe. Genius!

How do you sell in your Facebook group?

Christina likes to think about using a Facebook group as a way to run campaigns. (Oh, and don't we love the sound of that?!)

So when thinking about bringing people into your Facebook group, you need to come up with content that will lead to your offers. Use your content to attract, engage, and convert. Because the content in your Facebook group must evoke desire and demand for your paid offer.

You don't want freebie seekers – you want leads that you can convert into buyers. So everything you do in your group needs to move people down that line of evoking desire and demand for your paid product or service.

Makes sense, right?

How do you generate the right type of engagement in your Facebook group?  


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So now that we've established that you don't just want anyone in your group – you want people who are interested in your paid offering – what can you do to nurture and deepen relationships with them?

The key, Christina explains, is to stop focusing on ‘mindless engagement'. You know, the type that comes from posts that ask people whether they're a tea or a coffee drinker. Or whether they prefer cats or dogs. If the answer to that question doesn't lead anywhere, don't ask it!

What you want instead is ‘purposeful engagement'. You want to ask questions that help you get in the minds of your ideal clients and move people towards your paid offers.

So let's say you're planning a training session. You could start posting in your group and asking how people feel about that particular topic. What are people getting stuck with? What are their challenges? Allow people to share their frustrations and experiences – create the conversation around the topic, so you can use it later on.

Because when you invite your audience to share their experience, you then have all this language (this copy) that you can use in your live streams, your emails, and whatever other type of content you're creating.

How long does it take to plan and create content for your Facebook group? 

The majority of Christina's posts are one liners, so they don't take very long to plan and write at all!

As business owners and marketers, we constantly feel under pressure to create lots of long content, but actually, that sometimes can kill engagement. So instead, Christina says, ask yourself what one question you can ask your audience that will start that conversation around what it is you're selling.

She also suggests that you run at least one deep-dive core training a week inside your Facebook group. This can be around 10-20 minutes, but it needs to be value-packed. This is where you demonstrate your knowledge and evoke that need and desire for your paid product or service. So if you're planning for that content, you can jot down 3 bullet points for what you want to cover in that training, which is super quick.

But the biggest mindset reframe that needs to happen, in Christina's opinion, is that you should aim to create community and connection with your Facebook members. To do that, let them speak to you, rather than you speaking to them all the time. And therefore your content should be ‘fill-in-the-blanks' type of content, where you ask simple questions, break the ice, and invite your audience to speak about themselves.

What content can you share in between launches? 

So this idea of creating campaigns and structuring your content around something you want to sell works really well when you're launching something new. But how do you keep your audience warm in between launches?

Christina suggests you can still stick to just one value-based, deep dive post piece of content per week. And everything else should be conversational and connection-based – centered around the topic of your deep dive value post.

So if you're not launching something new right now, what it is you want your audience to do? Listen to your podcast? Join your email list? Follow you on another social platform? What action do you want them to take next? It's important you give them one because you always want to invite your audience to take the next best action with you that moves people forward and closer to buying from you. You constantly need to train your subscribers to take some form of action, or they won't buy when you ask them to.

What selling techniques work inside Facebook groups?

When it comes to selling techniques, Facebook group owners take all sorts of approaches. Some use more direct pitches, while others employ more subtle techniques.

Some business owners invite people to DM them. And that's powerful, because it allows you to have a one-to-one conversation with your leads, and if you're selling high-ticket items where a deeper enrollment conversation is necessary, then this strategy might work for you. But if you sell a lower-ticket item, can you really afford to spend your time answering DMs?

What's important to take into account is how you want to present your offer. Then you can work backwards and figure out what sales technique is going to be most effective for your product. Should you sell through a webinar or a masterclass? A workshop? Look at the bigger picture and decide what sales sequence or strategy is going to work best for your offer.

How do you sell evergreen products like memberships?

We asked Christina for some tips on how to sell our membership – The League. It's always open, so how do we talk about it in our Facebook group without becoming boring?

Christina suggests to always plant seeds. For example, you could say that a question came up inside the membership and you want to discuss it in the group. Or that you realised something as you were putting a piece of content together for your paying members. Plant seeds. Let people know about the thing you sell.

But more than anything, use the content in your Facebook group to pitch the entry point to your sales sequence. Do you sell your membership via your email list? Then invite people to join your email list. Do you do a couple of larger, bigger-scale launches a year where you offer additional bonuses and bundles? Then point people to that.

Subject line of the week with Christina Jandali

Christina's subject line of the week is, “Hey!”. It's one word, and it's soooo simple. Know why it works? Because that's exactly how you'd speak to a friend, and people can't help but want to open that email.

It also works because it's super short, and it stands out compared to much longer subject lines that are perhaps sitting in people's inbox. So try it out for those conversational emails you send to your list.

Useful Episode Resources

About Christina 

Want to connect with Christina? You can find her on her website – Deliver your Genius.

Christina also put together a wonderful bundle for our amazing podcast listeners. The resources Christina shared will help you find the perfect name for your Facebook group, write the best intro post, and then grow your Facebook group in 5 easy steps. You can get your paws on Christina's awesome bundle here.

Related episodes

Build A Facebook Group To Build Your Email List With Arne Giske From Group Funnels.

How To Grow Your Email List Using Facebook Pages (Without Ads) – Rachel Miller Moolah Style!

How To Use Email Subject Lines To Do More Than Get Your Emails Opened.

FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketing

Want to write better emails? Come up with better content? Influence and move your readers to click and buy? Well, you can do that with this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here.

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We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.

Try ResponseSuite for $1

This week's episode is sponsored by ResponseSuite.com, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more salesTry it out for 14 days for just $1.

Join The League Membership

Not sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes, where we get to share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing by applying everything we talk about in this show.

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