
The Stupidly Simple Emails That Make Webinars Convert Like Crazy with Dave Dee

Do you run webinars in your business? Whether you do or you don't, you need to check out this conversation with Dave Dee about selling with webinars and email marketing. Dave's tried-and-tested tips (and this exact email sequence) work a treat and will help you convert like crazy.

Trust us – you do want all the details (and wording!) of this stupidly simple email campaign. 

Here we go.


(0:10) Join our FREE Facebook Group.
(3:03) Did Dave really embarrass himself trying to speak Italian at a presentation in Italy?
(5:06) The killer webinar & email marketing combination.
(7:03) Crafting the perfect live webinar email sequence.
(10:54) How to increase your webinar show-up rate.
(13:53) The first email of the sequence.
(17:27) Writing the second email of the sequence.
(19:38) The third and fourth email of the sequence.
(26:41) Subject line of the week with Dave Dee.
(28:38) Get this FANTASTIC gift from Dave Dee!

The killer webinar & email marketing combination

If you want to make sales in your business you need two things – email marketing and a conversion mechanism. Dave Dee is an expert at webinars – his choice of conversion mechanism to be used in conjunction with email marketing. 

Dave believes that live webinars (not pre-recorded ones) are a tremendous way to build your list. You can generate leads using Facebook, LinkedIn, or other methods and drive them to webinars to build your list and convert leads into appointments (if you're a coach, for example) or sales. 

Dave's model is based on running a live webinar once a month and driving traffic to that webinar via email. It's great for list building but also for sales, especially if you sell a higher-ticket item. In fact, Dave's even sold a $100,000 product with this exact system by driving people to a landing page and inviting them to a live webinar.

Crafting the perfect live webinar email sequence

We're all familiar with webinars as, post-pandemic especially, they're everywhere – not just in B2B spaces but also in B2C. So to stand out, you have to use email in a more efficient and effective way. And here’s the exact sequence you want to use to promote your next (or first, if you haven't done one before) webinar. 

Typically, Dave runs his webinars on a Thursday, so his emails go out from Monday to Thursday. Dave finds that if you start emailing a lot earlier than that, people will register but then forget and not show up. So 4 days is plenty of time – in fact, a lot of people will sign up on the last day! 

In the four days leading to the webinar, Dave sends out a daily email (at 6:30 am) where he'll promote the webinar in the PS (and drive people to the registration page). On top of that, he sends out a solo email to promote the webinar (at 2:30 pm) – and that's what helps to increase registration. 

And here's a big tip. Everyone teaches that once someone registers for a webinar, you need to put them on a separate list and stop emailing them the invitations. Don't. Do. That. What you want to do instead is to send the entire sequence of invitation emails to everyone on your list – including the people who already registered. Sounds crazy and counterintuitive? Maybe. But it works. 

How to increase your webinar show-up rate

The people who register for your webinar will also go on a separate reminder sequence, but you want to keep sending them your regular emails too. And the reason for that is to increase your show-up rate. Dave typically gets a 50-60% show-up rate to his live webinars, which, for context, is very high!

So people who have already registered for the webinar receive daily emails but also a reminder sequence where they'll be notified that the webinar is coming in 3 days, 2 days, one day, one hour’s time, etc. 

Of course, sending so many emails may make you feel a little uncomfortable at first, but the economics of the final result (making more sales because you have more people showing up) are worth doing, even if you get a few complaints or people unsubscribing. And that's if you get any at all! Because, as Dave points out, if you have a good relationship with your list where you're delivering value with your daily emails (with infotainment and loads of personality) people won't complain or leave! 

The first email of the sequence

The structure of the emails is important, and the first one – your core email – is everything. Your whole campaign is built on that one email, so make sure you come up with a super hot title for your webinar. Without that, none of this matters because people won't opt-in. The webinar title is mission-critical!

Then your first email (following Dave's method) will go out on a Monday with the subject line: “Big announcement.” And it'll say something along the lines of:

“Hey, on Thursday I’m doing this live masterclass/webinar/training titled X. And I would like to invite you to attend as my guest. Here’s what you’re going to discover.”

To that, you add 5 or 6 bullet points to tell your subscribers what they’re going to learn – make sure you tease and intrigue. Then you say:

“If this interests you, save your spot here.”

And typically, Dave will also point out that limited spots are available, which is always true. Because regardless of the platform you’re using to deliver your webinar, there are always limits to how many participants you can have. In fact, Dave recommends you get the smallest package of attendees possible with the platform they’re using (as long as you can upgrade easily) because, in subsequent emails, you can legitimately say that you’ve sold. And it won't be a lie! 

The Top 10 Books To 'Power Up' Your Email Marketing

10 book recommendations that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we stumbled upon which have been game-changing for us).

Writing the second email of the sequence

The second email (out on a Tuesday) uses the subject line: “One-word update.” Marketers out there might argue these are terrible subject lines, but they get huge open rates because they seem natural and non-salesy. 

This email gives an update on the webinar. If you sold out, you can say you filled all the spots and potentially even had to upgrade your plan to let more people in. Or you could say:

“Wow! Registrations are going crazy here – we’re about to sell out! Make sure that if you haven’t registered yet, you do that.”

This is important because if someone’s already registered (and they’re reading this email) they’re going to think they’ve made a great decision. The email reaffirms that the decision to attend was a great choice. And it also acts as a reminder to show up because this webinar is popular.

So the person who’s already registered isn’t going to be annoyed with you when they read this. And those who haven’t registered yet, are being reminded to go and do it if they don't want to miss out. Then you add a PS that says: “Here’s the original email for your convenience” and you copy and paste the first email in the PS.

The third and fourth emails of the sequence

On the third day, you use the same opening talking about how registrations for the webinar are going crazy, but you send something a little different. For example, you can share the answer to a question your received from your audience. And then you finish your email with:

“If you haven’t registered yet, click here. PS: Here’s the original email for your convenience.”

You're still sharing great content, but the email also acts as another reminder that people need to show up on time. By positioning the email in this way, you build excitement for the webinar. And that's how you get a high show-up rate. 

The fourth email goes out on the day of the webinar and uses the subject line: “Agenda for our meeting.” The people who see that obviously have to open the email!

And this is where Dave talks about what he's going to be discussing in the webinar. He does this by slightly re-writing the bullet points he’s already shared. The only change is that, at the end of the email, he tells people who have already registered to show up 5 minutes early so they make sure they get in and don't miss out on anything. And then he adds:

“If you haven't registered yet, and you're interested in this, here's your last opportunity.”

And then he shares the link to register for the webinar one last time. The bit “if you're interested in this” is key here – because it's genuine. It's not along the lines of “If you miss this, you're missing the biggest opportunity that will change the Internet forever!” You want to use gentler and nicer language than that – something that feels sincere and not hyperbolic. 

Spend time on that first email! 

The main tip from Dave is to spend time on that first email of the sequence because if that's not hot, the rest doesn't work. But the beauty of this method is that it's simple. He's tested multiple combinations of emails and eventually stripped it all down to this process, which removes a lot of work and frustration. 

This sequence simply works – even with cold leads. It helps you build a legitimate list and ensures you're never spamming anyone. Dave spent more than a decade going deep into webinars, so you can trust that this simple, straightforward method is the way to go to sell like crazy. Try it out! 


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Subject line of the week with Dave Dee

This week’s subject line (and one that gets Dave a huge amount of open rates) is “[FIRST NAME]?” Dave used this subject line for the email promoting a $15,000-per-person mastermind he was running. And he sold 17 spots via email!

Of course, Dave points out, if you're going to use a subject line like this, it's important that your emails come across as personal. You don't want to send a big marketing pitch – it needs to look and feel like something personal. Check it out! 

Useful Episode Resources

About Dave Dee

If you want to connect with Dave, you can find him on his website. Dave’s also sharing a gift with us all – a report that details (slide by slide) how to create a webinar that converts. It’s called “The ultimate 7-figure one-to-many sales presentation template” and you can download it for FREE. If you decide (after reading the report) that you want more, you can subscribe to get Dave’s daily emails. Awesome, right? 

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FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketing

If you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here

Join our FREE Facebook group

If you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.

Try ResponseSuite for $1

This week's episode is sponsored by ResponseSuite.com, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.

Join The League Membership

Not sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.

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