Why Attend Inbox 2023

Why You Should Attend Inbox 2022

Why should you attend Inbox? Because it's the email marketing conference of 2022 (even if we say so ourselves). Inbox is the online conference that helps you sell more of everything you're doing by using email marketing. It's on the 28th and 29th of June 2022, and we're going to show you how to get totally FREE tickets and attend this fantastic event from the comfort of your very own pajamas. 

Ready to get all the juicy stuff? 


(0:27) Come and join us at Inbox 2022 (for FREE!)
(4:52) What is Inbox 2022?
(6:39) Email is the most direct way you can make sales.
(7:44) Learn from different approaches (from our amazing speakers).
(8:38) The 5 areas covered in Inbox 2022.
(10:00) Inbox 2022 is FREE and the reviews are incredible!
(11:58) Inbox 2022 is online and live - on Zoom!
(14:16) Who attends our event, Inbox?
(16:18) Here's the link to register for Inbox 2022!
(17:19) Subject line of the week.

Come and join us at Inbox 2022 – for FREE!

Our Inbox email marketing conference is on the 28th and 29th of June 2022. And we’d like to invite you to join us for FREE! Previously tickets for registration were up to $500, but this year we’re going to grow this event massively and make it into the biggest online email marketing party you can imagine. It's packed with amazing speakers, fully online, and fully live.

If you want to learn what's going to impact your ability to make more sales with email, this is the place to be. Because it's not just about the words you write, who you send them to, or when you send your emails. It's more than that! So if you're already salivating and want to find out all the details, see the full line-up, and register, here's the link.

What is Inbox 2022?

Inbox 2022 is our completely FREE online email marketing conference. This is the third year we're running it, and we're inviting you to attend. Why? Because email is the most direct way that any of us can make sales – whether your emails are in real-time or automated. 

So it’s definitely worth taking two days out of your schedule to study everything there is to know about email marketing. And that's exactly what Inbox 2022 allows you to do – to immerse yourself into this topic and up your email marketing game. You can dive deep into what you can do, find out what everyone else is doing, and why they always talk about how amazing email is.

Because it’s easy to think that the way you’re doing email marketing is the way it’s done, right? But we learn new things all the time – from every guest that we interview for this show and from all the speakers we’ve met in the last two years of running this event. We learn new things and we implement them. And that's what makes us better at what we do.

Email is the most direct way you can make sales

There’s nothing else you can do that directly impacts the top and bottom line of your business as swiftly as email marketing. And that's a fact. If you have a little cash flow blip in your business, the best thing you can possibly do is to find something to sell and send a few emails about it over the course of a few days. That will fix your cash flow problem – it's as simple as that!

Literally, nothing else will work as well. You can't just host a webinar, for example. Because how will you get people to sign up for it in the first place? With email, of course. You could try social media, but the reach isn’t very high, so you wouldn't get the same results.

Learn from different approaches (from our amazing speakers)

The great thing about conferences is that you get to learn new things. And at Inbox, you don't just get our ideas. Sure, we'll be giving a presentation or two. But over the two days, you’re going to learn from all kinds of different approaches – both from us and from our amazing speakers.

A lot of the time, the reason people get stuck with their email marketing (or anything) is that they don’t know what they should be doing. They don’t know what questions to ask or what they should be studying. If you buy a course, for example, you’ll learn whatever that teaches you and nothing else.

But at this event, we have a whole bunch of speakers talking about different topics, so you can learn way more than just one approach or one specific thing. We're confident that you'll leave this conference with whatever you were hoping to learn, but also with a lot more – with new ideas you didn't even know you wanted or approaches you wouldn't have thought about. We know for a fact that you’ll leave feeling more inspired than when we walked in.

The Top 10 Books To 'Power Up' Your Email Marketing

10 book recommendations that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we stumbled upon which have been game-changing for us).

The 5 areas covered in Inbox 2022

We split our email marketing event into 5 areas and asked our speakers to fit their talks into one of these categories:

  • List building. How do you get more people onto your email list?
  • Specific email campaigns. We’ll talk about specific email campaigns, including one that allows you to leverage the objections your audience has and turn them into reasons to buy and sales. 
  • Conversion. There are different types of conversion, so this is all about what you can do to help your subscribers to convert.
  • Copywriting and content. What goes into your emails?
  • Technical stuff. This is all the tech around email marketing – the stuff that allows you to do the things you want to do. 

Inbox 2022 is FREE and the reviews are incredible!

We've said this before, but you get to learn all of this for absolutely nothing! Because Inbox 2022 is free to attend. And we have rave reviews! We remember reading the chat (where attendees can interact live with other participants all day long) and seeing people have lots of fun. But also saying they were blown away by this event and thought it was genuinely excellent.

We host the whole two days live because we don’t want it to be a bunch of pre-recorded videos that you can download and watch anytime you want. We want it to be a live experience, which is why we host it all and aim to make it a lot of fun – we even have some surprises along the way.

We’re super excited to be doing this for free because we want to help more business owners realise the true potential of email marketing. If you’re not doing email at the moment because you’re focusing on other things, remember that email is the one thing that will allow you to put more gasoline on the fire. It’ll help you make whatever you’re already doing bigger and better – simply more impressive!

We want this event to have a real impact on businesses, which is why we made it free. So you can focus on absorbing the content, joining in and participating, making new friends, and asking questions to our speakers. Whether you’re looking for new ideas to add to what you’re already doing or for inspiration to get started because you’ve been putting email marketing off or left it on the back burner for a bit, this event will help you.

Inbox 2022 is online and live – on Zoom 

Inbox 2022 is fully online, which means you don't need to spend thousands on travel, hotels, or food. You don’t even have to take additional time out to get there and back like you'd normally do at either end of an in-person event. We're streaming this event on Zoom, which is something most of us are familiar with, so there are no technological barriers. The speakers will join us live and you can connect from wherever you are – and you don’t even have to have the camera on. We don't mind!

So for no additional cost (in time or money), you can completely transform your business (not just your email marketing) and increase the amount of money you get to take out from the thing you love doing

Of course, there's an option for you to buy the recordings if you want to support the event. This gives you access to the sessions so you can review them at your own pace and convenience. We find this is a great idea because nobody ever studies an entire 60-minute presentation and leaves remembering all of the amazing a-ha! moments they had. Sometimes you read back through your notes and realise you can't read your handwriting or maybe you don’t even take notes! And that's why we give you access to the recordings of all 12 presentations for your to review as many times as you want to.

Who attends our email marketing conference – Inbox? 

One thing we absolutely love about Inbox (remember it's the email marketing conference of 2022) is that we get to chat with the attendees throughout the sessions. And we get to meet people from all over the world – from Australia to across Asia, all around Europe, the US, and Canada. And it’s people who do such diverse things with their email marketing, too!

We have people who sell online courses and have packaged their knowledge into a programme. Some who offer coaching and help clients in all areas of their lives – from their businesses, to their personal lives and relationships. We have people who sell memberships and have recurring revenue models. Others sell services or products – from candles and cakes to handmade bespoke jewellery.

We have participants selling directly to consumers (B2C) or to other businesses (B2B). And everyone is applying the same techniques because you have access to all these different angles, with lots of fresh ideas to take away from the event. And if you think no one's ever done what you do in your space, that’s even more exciting! Because you have the amazing opportunity to be the leader in your space.

Here's the link to register for Inbox 2022

So if this all sounds awesome to you, go grab your free ticket here. The event is just around the corner now, and all you have to do in order to be there is to register before it happens. So go do it right now because it's the email marketing conference of 2022, and you don't want to miss it! And of course, to make it easier for you, we’ll also send you email reminders closer to the time.


Make More Sales with our cutting-edge Psychology-Based Email Marketing Programme

  • Psychology-based email marketing.
  • 45+ Email Campaigns.
  • Video Campaign Workshops.
  • Growing Library of Video Trainings.

Subject line of the week

This week’s subject line is “ick” with the vomit emoji. This came about when Rob was talking to a friend who was sharing the stuff in her life and business that gives her the ick. This was an expression Rob had never heard before, but the minute he heard it, he was suddenly noticing it everywhere. He just hadn’t realised it’d become a trendy expression people were using. 

And one of the things you want to try and do in your marketing is to tap in and use the currently trending expressions. So for example, a while ago that was TLDR (for “too long, didn't read”) or PSA (for “public service announcement”). There are words and expressions that sometimes start trending online. And typically they’ll be popular for months – until they're not anymore. And if you then keep using them beyond that point, you'll sound like somebody's dad trying to be cool. So find that sweet spot where an expression, phrase, or word is trendy and cool and use it in your marketing. It really works. Just keep your ears to the ground and notice what people are saying – it's that simple!

Useful Episode Resources

Related episodes

Why You Might Want to Think Twice About Consumption Emails.

How To Build Your List by Speaking At Events Online and Offline.

Why Email Marketing is at the Top of the Digital Marketing Trends for 2022.

FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketing

If you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here

Join our FREE Facebook group

If you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.

Try ResponseSuite for $1

This week's episode is sponsored by ResponseSuite.com, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.

Join The League Membership

Not sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.

Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcast

Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about why you should attend Inbox – the best email marketing conference of 2022) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player.

Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. 

And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know!

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