Why We No Longer Take On Clients

Why We No Longer Take On Clients or Offer Coaching

While we’ve not built email campaigns for people since summer 2019, we continued to offer strategy, coaching and consultancy up until Spring 2021 before deciding to really focus on having the most impact with the most people to fulfil our mission.

OMG did we love client work. And most of our clients have become really good friends. It seems we attract the best frigging people.

But when we look at our mission of transforming email marketing, we know we have to put all of our effort into our one to many channels. That means our courses, events and membership.

Our mission:

Make email marketing less shit.
Less shit for everyone receiving it.
And less shit results for everyone sending it.

And on the selfish side, both of us want more freedom to travel and spend time with our partners and families. Being tied to more coaching call time slots prohibits that. Since we show our members how to create more freedom, then we should take our own advice.

The Time for Value Equation

Then there’s the ‘Time Value’ equation of how much it actually costs us to take the time to deliver personal coaching.

Our personal coaching was both of us on 2x calls per week. That means on an average month it’s 4 weeks, 2x hour-long sessions, and there’s 2 of us: That’s 16hrs of work time.

What can you do in 16 hours? A lot.

You can do a LOT in 16hrs.

Especially when it comes to the way we work – i.e. we tend to work on things separately, do first drafts and then swap and give notes to each other. So we’re mega productive.

We figured out that the true cost to us, based on what we can produce ion 16hrs a month is around $20,000.

The answer, sure we could have put our coaching up to $20k a month.

$20k for a month is out of budget for the majority, and won’t allow us to have the impact on as many people and truly change email marketing. 

We considered short sprint work to help people individually. But we don’t feel that email marketing is something you can truly have an impact on in a ‘power hour’ or half-day. 

It needs the process, it needs the time to be understood, planned and actually done.

We’ve both had coaches who’ve taken tens of thousands from us and at the end we had clarity and lots of ideas – but nothing done.

That doesn’t tickle our pickle.

Don’t Compete With Your Mission

And all of that competes with our Mission.

That’s why we now offer structured ways of working with us through:

  1. Mostly our Membership, The League.
    This is our #1 focus. Attracting people who have a business, who have products and want to work on their email marketing long term and master it, tweak it and refine it. More info here.
  2. Next through our stand-alone courses.
    For those who aren’t ready to commit to long term learning of email just yet, we want to help people get to the next stage so they can move closer.
  3. Finally through special events we host online and in person.
    We are entertainers and love being live and creating events around things. Whether they’re online conferences like our annual INBOX event or specific programs we run.

These 3 things allow us to carefully structure outcomes and impact more people.

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