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Reasons For Not Buying

The 3 Subconscious Questions That Stop People From Buying

Do people have reasons for not buying from you? Yes, they do. We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and today we’re sharing the three subconscious questions people have that stop them from buying from you. It’s super important you answer these exact questions in your marketing and sales copy because people can’t and won’t buy unless you […]

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Lead magnet sequence

How To Create An Effective Lead Magnet Email Sequence That Gets Your Subscribers To LOVE You!

Do you use a lead magnet to grow your email list? Does the strategy work for you? How can you make it work even better? We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and today we’re sharing how to create a lead magnet sequence that will get your subscribers to love you. And grow your list. And your business. Ready? […]

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Best Email Marketing Strategies

The 7 BEST Email Marketing Strategies That Shouldn’t Work (But Absolutely Do!)

What are the BEST email marketing strategies out there? Well, we have 7 strategies for you that shouldn’t work, but they absolutely do! We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and the things we’re going to share might surprise you. But trust us, they work! Ready to get all the good stuff? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:33) Want to […]

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Email Marketing Strategy Plan

How To Build The Most Impactful Email Marketing Strategy Plan To Make More Sales In Your Business

How and why should you create an email marketing strategy plan? What are the pros and cons? What can planning help you achieve in your business? We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and you’re about to find out how planning your email marketing activities can be super simple and effective. Ready? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:32) Want to […]

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Email Marketing Success

Email Marketing Success: How Isabelle Lesschaeve Made An Extra $10,000 With Our Paparazzi Flash Sale Campaign

Want to hear a story about fantastic email marketing success? Isabelle Lesschaeve holds a full-time job as a scientist but also runs a side hustle passion business as a wine-tasting coach. By leveraging email marketing and implementing our Paparazzi flash sale campaign, Isabelle made an extra $10,000. We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and you’re about to […]

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Email Campaign Examples

The 7 Proven And Essential Email Campaigns To Add To Your Marketing Strategy And Elevate Your Business

How many email marketing sequences do we need for our business? What are the critical email campaign examples you should have in place? We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and here are the 7 email campaigns we think every business should have. Ready to take notes? (And, most importantly, take action?) SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:38) Want to […]

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Ideas To Build Your Email List

7 New Ideas To Build Your Email List In 2024 (With Extra Tips!)

What are the best ways to build your email list in 2024? What strategies are still relevant? Want to know what’s working and what isn’t? We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and you’re about to get a truckload of value from this episode. Guaranteed. Ready to take action and get some awesome results? Let’s do this! SOME […]

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Best Time To Send An Email

Perfect Timing? What’s The BEST Time To Send An Email For Maximum Impact?

What’s the best time to send an email? It’s the multimillion-dollar question we always get asked. But is there a specific time? Does when you send an email matter? We’re Kennedy and Carrie, and you’re about to find out the truth about this… Ready? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:33) Want to carry on with the conversation? […]

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email marketing and webinars

How Paul & Emily Finally Started Making A Profit In Their Business Using Email Marketing And webinars (And Our Amazing System!)

What happens when you join a comprehensive programme that teaches you ethical and psychology-based email marketing? You start turning your subscribers into customers and making more money in your business. That’s exactly what happened to Paul and Emily Hughes from Parent Guide to GSSE, who have been successfully using a combination of email marketing and […]

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email marketing waitlist

Cool Techniques To Maximise The Power Of An Email Marketing Waitlist Before Your Next Launch

Can you use an email marketing waitlist for your next big launch? Maybe you have a membership or a course and want to generate excitement, curiosity, and demand. Can a waitlist help you do that? Also, how do you keep people on your waitlist warm? How long should you run a waitlist for, and how […]

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email marketing success stories

How Our Client Lucas Reuterstig Saved His Business By Implementing Just Two Of Our Awesome Email Marketing Campaigns

We always say email marketing can help you make more sales, more predictably, and in less time. But you shouldn’t just take our word for it – that’s why we regularly share email marketing success stories from our amazing students. Our client Lucas Reuterstig is one of them. After joining our programme and implementing just […]

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Click-through Rate Increase

Practical Ways To Increase The Average Click-Through Rate In Your Email Marketing

What’s a good click-through rate? How can you drive a click-through rate increase in your email marketing? Is it possible? Why does it even matter?  Let’s find out the answers to these questions – and more! SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:11) Grab our amazing resource Click Tricks totally for FREE! (4:29) Why is your click-through rate […]

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familiarity exposure

Tap Into The Mind-Blowing Power Of Familiarity Exposure Psychology In Your Emails To Boost Sales In Your Business

What is familiarity exposure? Also referred to as mere exposure, there’s a whole stack of theories around how the psychology of familiarity in marketing works and can help you make more sales.  That’s right. Become a ‘household brand’, and more people will buy from you. Want to know how it all works? Let’s find out. […]

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customer transformations in email marketing

How To Show Customer Transformations In Your Email Marketing With Relatable Before-And-After Stories

Do you collect testimonials in your business? What’s the best way to show customer transformations in your email marketing? Can the success stories and case studies of your customers help you convert more of the people on your email list?  If you want to learn an easy way to go beyond your regular, commoner-garden testimonial, […]

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Email Marketing Copywriting

Supercharge Your Email Marketing Copywriting By Mastering The Rule Of One For Maximum Impact

Want to find out how to immediately supercharge your email marketing copywriting? Then let’s find out about the Rule of One. This isn’t just a technique you can use in your email writing. You can use it across any kind of writing you do for your business – sales pages, sales videos… everywhere! And it […]

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